*Flip art by Grace Easterday; Video by A Wandering Dot Production.

Because a line is a dot that went for a walk.

Be a Wandering Dot.

"A Line is a Dot that went for a walk." 

- Paul Klee, artist

The Power of A Wandering Dot

Every person is like a dot. When we do not use our talents, we are like dots all alone and standing still; however, the moment we begin to utilize our talents, interacting with and moving through the world, especially in the service of others, we become dots who went for a walk. 

A dot moving leaves a trace of where it has been in the form of a line. It doesn't matter if the line is straight, crooked, curly, loops on itself, or even a little dashed and dotted at times. We leave our mark just the same. 

The world we experience is ultimately the collective lines of all of the dots moving through it, with all their tragedy, pain and sorrow mixed with their color, joy, grace and beauty, making the eternal mosaic of our time together.

My latest work:

Nate Easterday - MBA: Online Resume

A demonstration of both my background mixed with my ability with web design and being creative. I enjoy finding fun, creative solutions.

Bad Wolf Chess Club Website

I am building a website to support Bad Wolf Chess Club, the club I started in MOT Delaware. I enjoy finding ways to consolidate large amounts of information into easier to find and understand formats. A great way to combine the various activities in my life.

Match-the-Pattern Game

Based on a 1980's favorite toy, the Match-the-Pattern game is a fun way to demonstrate the power of JavaScript and jQuery to animate websites.

Have fun and see what level you can reach matching the pattern.

Some Previous Work:

The Monday Morning Post

During the pandemic, my daughter and I found a way to make people smile. Our goal was to be 'The Light in the Darkness.'

We really enjoyed this project and here is a compilation of the work for others to enjoy again.

*Art produced for the Monday Morning Post by Grace Easterday. The themes for each piece of art were a collaboration between Grace Easterday and Nate Easterday. The Monday Morning Post was the creation of Nate Easterday.

The BunnyDog Exercise Challenge

During the pandemic, gyms closed for a period of time. My wife, a former member of Team USA, loves her exercise.


What better way to keep everyone connected and staying healthy than an online exercise challenge. Another of my many crazy ideas, it turned out to be very successful.


To support the effort of tracking everyone, I setup google forms for registration and the reporting of the daily exercise results. I also programmed a compilation of the results for real-time feedback upon entry and determining the winners.

Art Studio 4:10 Website

The beginning of A Wandering Dot Production.

I built the Art Studio 4:10 website to support my wife in growing her inclusive art classes, community volunteer efforts and the annual children's charity art auction.

I have always enjoyed making websites and programming, a job I had during college with the USDA National Agricultural Library.